Greenville Workforce Center Closed

The Greenville Workforce Center is permanently closed at 2500 Stonewall St., the new location will be opening on April 2, 2025, at 4609 King St., for more information click here.
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Training Provider Resources & FAQs

Training Providers

Which training facilities submit their application through Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas to have their programs added to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)?
Training providers whose primary physical address is located within the 14 counties we serve may submit an application for their programs across all campus locations. If your organization’s primary campus is not located within our 14-county region, your application for consideration must be submitted to the workforce board that oversees the area where the primary campus is located.
What programs are eligible to be considered for inclusion on the ETPL?
For a program to be considered for the ETPL, the occupational outcome of the program must be included on the statewide Target Occupations List found on Texas Workforce Commission Eligible Training Providers web page:
Other than the ETP application, is other information required?
Yes, when submitting the application, supporting documentation will also need to be included. The documents include: the curriculum outline and course descriptions, a copy of the certificate of approval by the regulating body and the list of courses they approved, and documentation of employer partnership regarding each program making application. The documentation can be in the form of a letter on the employer’s letterhead that includes the date, address, e-mail and/or phone number as well as a signature, or a copy of the last Program Advisory Committee minutes and roster including the name of the employer they represent and if they attended. Either of the documentation of employer partnership, must be dated within the last 12 months to confirm the partnership is current.
When is an ETP Program considered approved?
Once a program has gone through the application process and been added to the Statewide Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), that program is available to any board area with the occupational outcome of the program included on their Target Occupations List. If the occupational outcome for the program listed on the ETPL is also listed on Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas’ Target Occupations List, a WIOA participant can consider the program if approved for training services.

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