Texas Child Care Connection Launch

TX3C: Processing of parent applications may be delayed during the Texas Child Care Connect launch. Please contact Child Care Services at 940-382-6712 with any questions, contact may be delayed due to the program launch. To apply for services, click here.
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Tips for a Great Exhibitor Experience

The Youth Career Exploration event is not a sleepy affair. It is high-energy and high-volume, with hundreds of students pouring through the front doors every hour.

For exhibitors, that means preparation is essential. Here are a few tips to create a great experience for you and the students:

Think about your business from a teenager’s point of view. What is eye-catching? What can you bring from your workplace that students can see, feel, touch, do, try out or try on?  Don’t be afraid to have a little fun. 

Stay until 1:00 pm! Reserve some energy for the afternoon schools. The Expo arrival times may vary, so prepare to stay the entire length of the event. 

Teenagers who arrive at the end of the day need career inspiration just as much as those who arrive at the beginning.  Please don’t break down your booth until after 1:00 pm.

Recruit booth volunteers carefully. The people in your booth are your biggest asset. Teenagers are drawn to adults who seem open and friendly, and who are able to start a conversation.

Pace yourself on freebies and handouts. Freebies and handouts are very popular, but remember we expect about 1200 students! Reserve some business cards and handouts for the parents, teachers and counselors who visit your booth.

State the obvious. Students may not know about your work or company. Your company may be a household name among adults, but if you’re not Nike, teenagers may not be familiar with you. Bring a big sign. Bring a posterboard or two describing your company, industry,  careers and necessary education. Add some fun facts.

Promote your internships or volunteer opportunities. If you have internships, summer jobs or other career-related learning experiences that are open to high school students, the Expo is a perfect place to promote them. You can direct students to your website or, if appropriate, have an email signup sheet.

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