Greenville Workforce Center Closed

The Greenville Workforce Center is permanently closed at 2500 Stonewall St., the new location will be opening on April 2, 2025, at 4609 King St., for more information click here.
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Adult Resources and FAQs



Can you help me train for a new career, get a certification or earn a degree?
Yes, we can! On-the-job earning opportunities, in-demand skills training, nationally-recognized certifications and associate degree programs are some of the options available through our Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs. Visit the Workforce Center nearest you, or email to learn more about eligibility requirements and available WIOA funding for these and other career services.
Do you help people with payments for child care, rent and other needs?
Yes. If you are participating in a WIOA program, we have support services to help with barriers that may keep you from getting a job or training for one. Funding is not guaranteed and is subject to approval on a case-by-case basis. Visit the Workforce Center nearest you, or email to connect with one of our staff members.

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