Greenville Workforce Center Closed

The Greenville Workforce Center is permanently closed at 2500 Stonewall St., the new location will be opening on April 2, 2025, at 4609 King St., for more information click here.
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Recruit Skilled Talent

North Central Texas is home to a highly skilled workforce. Use any combination of our customizable recruitment services to find the talent you need.

  • Post your open positions to, the state’s largest online jobs platform, to extend your reach to thousands of skilled workers. 
  • Expand your recruiting capacity by letting us pre-screen and identify the best applicants that match your requirements before you interview.
  • Use our hiring events to attract a large and diverse pool of qualified applicants to your onsite recruitment event, to one of our local Workforce Centers or online through our virtual job fairs.
  • Recruit Veterans who have the experience and leadership skills that can improve your business efficiency.
  • Reserve our Mobile Workforce Unit to bring additional recruiting capacity to your remote locations. Our 38’ vehicle has internet access, 13 computer workstations, interior and exterior screens and is accessible to those who need special accommodations.

Additional Services for Employers

Tax Credits

Save money on your Federal Income Taxes with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. This Federal tax credit ranges from $1,200 to $9,600 and is available to you for hiring individuals from certain target groups. Contact our Business Services Team for more information.

Fidelity Bonding

Reduce your concerns about hiring at-risk employees who cannot be bonded through other sources with the Texas Workforce Commission’s Fidelity Bonding Program. Read more about the state’s Fidelity Bonding service and how it can reduce your concerns.

Recruiting Resources

Texas Internship Challenge

Join the Challenge!

Business Engagement Team

Contact our Business Engagement Team for assistance today!

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