Greenville Workforce Center Closed

The Greenville Workforce Center is permanently closed at 2500 Stonewall St., the new location will be opening on April 2, 2025, at 4609 King St., for more information click here.
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Target Occupations

Training Providers

Target Occupations List 2024-2025

Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas develops the Target Occupations List to identify high-demand areas that are critical to the regional economy. The occupations and industries are selected based on labor market information, economic indicators, and local wisdom.

If you have any questions about the Target Occupations List please contact Jacob Jimenez.

2024-25 Target Occupations List



Policy Regarding Development of Target Occupations

Development and Maintenance of the Annual Target Occupations List

Policy Regarding Approval, Withdrawal and Denial

Criteria for Approval, Withdrawal and Denial of WIOA Eligible Training Provider Applications

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