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The Greenville Workforce Center is permanently closed at 2500 Stonewall St., the new location will be opening on April 2, 2025, at 4609 King St., for more information click here.
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TX3C Child Care Update

For assistance or questions, contact Child Care Services at 940-382-6712.

Transition Period

Potential Delays in Services beginning December 2024:

  • The Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas (WSNCT) online waitlist application for services will no longer be available as of December 31, 2024.

  • If you have changes that need to be made to your case after December 31, 2024, please contact child care services at 940-382-6712 and staff will assist you.

  • If your eligibility is due to be recertified between November 1st through December 31, 2024 WSNCT will extend your recertification date. You will receive a letter with your new recertification date if you have not already.

  • WSNCT will begin using TX3C on January 13, 2025. Some services may be slower than usual as WSNCT staff learn the new system.

Please submit any back-to-school changes to CCS as soon as possible. This will help us ensure your case changes are processed without delay.

New Statewide Online Application for Families

TX3C will include an online statewide application for parents applying or recertifying for a new eligibility period of participation in the CCS program.

The new system will feature the following:

  • A new statewide application for families

  • An easy-to-use interface that works with mobile devices

  • A common user experience for all Texans

WSNCT will continue to manage your CCS case, determine eligibility, and manage the local waiting list. We will provide more information regarding TX3C and how you will access the new system within the next month.

Child Attendance

A child’s regular attendance is imperative; consequently, Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas will continue to monitor attendance to ensure that funds go to the families that are most in need of services.

Payments to child care providers are not affected by a child’s occasional absences—payment is based on the child care authorized. However, a child’s eligibility may be affected if they are not consistently attending care.

Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas will use the new time and attendance features in TX3C to monitor attendance. Providers must ensure that parents record attendance directly in TX3C or through a child care management system that uploads CCS attendance data to TX3C. More information about the attendance tracking system is available at

Absence Tracking

Effective January 13, 2025, absences will be tracked for children in care. You will be responsible for complying with TWC’s attendance standards or risk termination of eligibility for excessive absences. Meeting attendance standards for child care consists of no more than 40 total unexplained absences in your 12-month eligibility period. You are required to report your child’s attendance using the attendance reporting system located at your provider’s location or through mobile app (if available for your provider).

Absences due to a child’s documented chronic illness, disability, or court-ordered visitation are not counted in the number of unexplained absences. You must submit documentation to WSNCT for these types of absences so they will not count towards the 40 allowed absences.

Parent Share of Cost

TWC has approved a new calculation methodology for Parent Share of Cost (PSoC). The new methodology will be available at the time TX3C is launched.

Your current PSoC will remain the same unless your income decreases or your family size changes. WSNCT will use the new methodology beginning with your next eligibility period. You may request a review of your PSoC before your recertification if you have experienced a change in income, family size, or have an extenuating financial situation.

What is changing?

  • The new sliding fee scale for PSoC will be statewide.

  • If you relocate to another area of the state and transfer your care, your PSoC will remain the same until you recertify your eligibility.

  • The new scale will have more gradual increases for families with rising incomes between certification periods.

Change to a Weekly Rate

TX3C pays providers for the child care you receive on a biweekly basis, instead of a monthly basis. Your family copay must match the pay period for providers. Effective January 13, 2025, your copay will be calculated weekly.

WSNCT will share the specific amount of your new weekly fee. Your weekly fee will be calculated from your current monthly fee, ensuring your total cost does not increase.

Improvements to Provider Payments

NEW: Advance Payments
Beginning in January 2025, Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas will pay licensed centers, licensed homes, and registered homes for authorized child care before care is provided (similar to private-paying families that pay tuition beforehand). The following are details on these prospective payments:
  • Payments will cover two-week periods, Monday–Sunday; child care providers will be paid for the days that a child has been authorized to attend the program.
  • If providers receive an overpayment for a child whose authorization changes or ends during a period for which payment has already been made, Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas will adjust a future payment or require repayment of the overpayment.
  • TX3C will determine each child’s age group for rates based on the first day of the two-week billing cycle. In other words, if a child has a birthday that places them in the next age group, the change will not be applied until the beginning of the next pay period.
  • TX3C will base the prospective payment on the provider’s location which will be based on the Board area where the facility is located, rather than the child’s residence. The change will ensure that payments reflect the market rates and costs where the provider operates. The change will affect only about 4% of the children currently served in Texas and only 1.5 % of providers will have a reduction in their reimbursement rate for children who live outside their Board area.

Expanded Age Groups

A new state law requires TWC to match age groups for provider payments with Child Care Regulation age groups. TX3C will support this change beginning on September 1, 2024. Providers will be able to designate rates for more age groups, as demonstrated in the following table.
Rate Groups  
before January 13, 2025 
New Rate Groups  
Effective January 13, 2025 
Infant:              0–17 months  Infant-0:             0–11 months 
Infant-1:             12–17 months 
Toddler:             18 months–2 years  Toddler-1:         18–23 months 
Toddler-2:         2 years 
Preschool:        3–5 years  Preschool-3:     3 years 
Preschool-4:     4 years 
Preschool-5:     5 years 
School Age:      6–13 years  School Age:      6–13 years  
(no changes for this age group) 

Change in Contact Number for CCS

Effective October 1, 2024, WSNCT Child Care Services will no longer have use of the 1-800-234-9306 phone number. You can reach us using our local number at 940-382-6712. Please keep this number for future reference.

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